Logistics Consulting 
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Technology Solutions for Logistics
TetrisPlace Platform
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The time has come when companies begin to realize that their current logistics operations and supply chains are unable, individually, to provide economically viable solutions that are appropriate for the demanding expectations of customers and shareholders.


A “new normal” is expected. Where knowledge, technology and collaboration in strategic partnerships are essential to break paradigms, simplify, optimize and make the most of logistical activities.


What used to be a competitive advantage is now survival! That's why we founded Profit Track! To use our knowledge and experience combined with technology and strategic collaboration to facilitate this path of transformation for companies.

Our Services

Logistics & Supply Chain Consulting

For many years we have worked as executives in logistics companies with a worldwide reputation. Our successful experience in the segment and constant learning and updates enable us to solve critical problems in addition to facilitating and accelerating important strategic projects for companies. More recently, Profit Track played a key role in structuring growth processes and strategic projects for startups and traditional players in the sector.

Beratung und Gespräch

Technology Solutions for Logistics

We believe that the solution to critical logistical problems also depends on the help of innovative technology. For this reason, Profit Track continually seeks and partners with disruptive solutions that are successfully operating in other parts of the world.


Our current strategic partners are present in highly reputable operators and shippers and are recognized and mentioned by renowned technology research companies such as Gartner.

Team zusammen

TetrisPlace Platform

Temos uma sólida visão de como a logística e o gerenciamento da cadeia de suprimentos evoluirão nos próximos anos e vamos preparar as empresas para antecipar o que está por vir.

Os novos modelos de negócios para logística inteligente e sustentável serão baseados na capacidade de agrupamento de fluxos e o compartilhamento de recursos. Por isso lançamos o TetrisPlace!

A digital platform that facilitates and enables, in a neutral and transparent way, companies to collaborate in horizontal partnerships. No, it is not easy to do that! But nothing really worthwhile is easy!

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